Dana Morse
Darling Marine Center
Clarks Cove
Walpole, ME 04573
Phone 207.563.8186 · Fax 207.563.3119
Email Dana Morse
Dana joined the Marine Extension Team in 1998 and is based at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Dana’s expertise includes educational, outreach, and applied research programs in aquaculture and commercial marine fisheries. His work is usually either technical in nature, such as fishing gear research for bycatch reduction, or more social, such as convening meetings about local aquaculture applications.
BS in Wildlife Management, University of New Hampshire 1986
MS in Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Rhode Island 1994
Board and Committee Participation
Member, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Culinary Exchange between Maine and France Will Support Maine Scallops
NOAA Sea Grant announces $2.1M to support aquaculture research and extension in Maine
Guidance to Maine Oyster Farmers On Selling Your Product In-State
Hatchery Season
Fishermen, others learning the aquaculture ropes in Thomaston, Maine
Maine Oyster Trail 2015 Spring Update
The Maine Oyster Trail – Spring Update, 2014
2021 Scallop Aquaculture webinar – NOAA Saltonstall Kennedy Project
Expanding green sea urchin production
National Aquaculture Extension Conference
Aquaculture in Shared Waters
Knotless Codend Mesh Sensitivity
Northeast Aquaculture Research Farm Network: NARF-Net
Building on Promise
Use of Positively Buoyant Ground Cables and Sweep to Reduce Seabed Contact and to Enhance Species Selectivity
Aquaculture in Shared Waters 2016
DV-17-05 International Pectinid Workshop
DV-15-10 Building knowledge to benefit Maine’s working waterfronts: scallop aquaculture
R-10-10 Emergency surveillance monitoring for MSX disease
R-12-14 Aquaculture in Shared Waters
DV-12-04 Sea scallop production trials