calendar iconSpecial Notice: Ten community convenings are happening this fall and early winter throughout Maine coastal and working waterfront communities to explore how we can better respond to and prepare for future storms like the ones that hit us last January. Learn more about convenings in your area.

Applications Open for Maine Sea Grant – NOAA Fisheries Undergraduate Internships in Sea-run Fish Research

The deadline for applications is noon (Eastern) Wednesday, February 28, 2025

Applications Open for 2025 Young Fishermen’s Career Development Projects

Federal funds will be available to eligible applicants to support 2-3 projects that will develop and execute local, regional and national programs, workshops and services to enable fishermen to enter career paths and make a living supplying seafood from our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes

Knauss Fellowship Opportunity Now Open

The application period for the 2026 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship is now open. The fellowship provides a one-year, paid experience for highly qualified early career professionals to work on issues related to coastal, marine and Great Lakes science and policy in offices within the executive or legislative branches of government in Washington, D.C.

Storm Response and Preparedness in Working Waterfront Communities

Join us for vital community conversations to enhance our response, preparedness and resilience in the face of increasing storm events

University of Maine Graduate Student Selected for NOAA/Sea Grant Fellowship

University of Maine Graduate Student Receives a 2024 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship

Undergraduate Students Gain Experience though Sea-run Fish Internship

This summer, five undergraduate students are gaining experience in sea-run fish research and management as participants in Maine Sea Grant and NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s Undergraduate Internships in Diadromous Ecosystem Research Program

Maine Sea Grant is a federal-state partnership program based at the University of Maine and one of 34 NOAA Sea Grant programs throughout the coastal and Great Lakes states. We receive funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is matched by the state of Maine and other non-federal sources. Since 1971, we have promoted science and education for the sustainable development, management, and stewardship of Maine’s marine and coastal resources. We continue this mission today by supporting marine and coastal research, education, and outreach via a marine extension team with individuals located in coastal communities from Wells to Eastport.

Maine Sea Grant’s work across Maine, from the Piscataqua River to Passamaquoddy Bay, is carried out on the lands and waters of the Wabanaki people. We thank the Wabanaki, people of the Dawn Land, for their stewardship and continued strength and resilience in protecting it. We support all efforts for healing and protecting the land and water we share.

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