Maine Seafood Guide – Sea Urchin

two sea urchins in outstretched hands
Photo: Kathlyn Tenga-GonzálezSea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)

Species Description
Regulatory Authority
Harvest Method
Recreational Harvest
Health Benefits & Risks
Buying & Preparing

►Species Description

Green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
also known as uni

Wild. Research efforts to culture sea urchins are ongoing, but no commercial cultured product is currently available.

Green sea urchins are Echinoderms, a group of marine invertebrates that also includes starfish, sea cucumbers, sea lilies, and brittle stars. Green sea urchins are covered with short, dense spines and are filled with five sections of creamy, bright yellow-orange reproductive structures—this is the edible part. Urchins live in shallow, rocky subtidal waters where they graze on kelp and other algae and invertebrates.


September – March, with a peak in winter. Commercial harvest seasons vary slightly by zone.


Maine’s sea urchin fishery experienced a boom and bust cycle in the 1990s that has evened out in recent years, although populations are doing better in eastern Maine. The urchin fishery continues to be closely managed with restrictive harvesting rules.

Regulatory Authority

Maine Department of Marine Resources.

Harvest Method

Most (60%) fishermen collect urchins by SCUBA diving and collecting the spiky creatures into net bags. The rest use drags to scoop urchins off the sea floor. See the vessel and gear guide for more information.

Recreational Harvest

Min size 2-1/16 inches, max size 3 inch
It is unlawful to take urchins during nighttime hours (sunset to sunrise)
As of August 2004, no new sea urchin harvesting licenses will be issued

Health Benefits & Risks

Sea urchin is a low-calorie source of protein and omega-3s, and contains some fat and cholesterol. Sea urchin vulnerability to red tide is unknown. Confirm freshness and storage conditions if purchased frozen or preserved.

Buying & Preparing

Urchin is served fresh and uncooked (“uni”). It is also used in soups, custards, and other seafood dishes as a flavor enhancer. High-quality uni is yellow, gold, or orange in color with a sweet, ocean-like taste and a smooth, buttery texture. Avoid product that appears dull or discolored, grainy or loose. Poor quality is indicated by a watery appearance or bitter taste. Cleaned, packaged uni is sometimes soaked in an alum-salt solution.

Companies, Brands, and Labels

ISF Trading, Inc.

Gulf of Maine Inc.

Certifications & Verifications
