Maine Seafood Guide – Pollock

Species Description
Regulatory Authority
Harvest Method
Recreational Harvest
Health Benefits & Risks
Buying & Preparing
►Species Description
Atlantic pollock Pollachius virens
also known as harbor pollock, Boston bluefish, coalfish, saith
Pollock are a greenish hue, paling to yellow or smoky gray on the belly. A pale, lateral line contrasts with the dark sides. They look similar to cod and haddock, but for their solid greenish color and forked tail. They range widely throughout the cold waters of the Gulf, and inshore schools of juveniles are known as “harbor pollock” for their habitat preference.
The Gulf of Maine Atlantic pollock population is above target levels. Pollock are not overfished nor is overfishing occurring (more from
►Regulatory Authority
New England Fishery Management Council under the Northeast Multispecies (groundfish) Plan.
►Harvest Method
Trawl, gillnet, some hook and line. See the vessel and gear guide for more information.
►Recreational Harvest
Pollock will take an artificial lure or fly, and fight fiercely on the line. Pollock will also bite clams, minnows, or bait fish.
Maine waters: no size or bag limits.
Federal waters: minimum size is 19 inches, and there is no bag limit.
►Health Benefits & Risks
Pollock is a low-fat and low-calorie source of vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium. Pollock is low in mercury.
►Buying & Preparing
Atlantic pollock should not be confused with Alaskan or Pacific pollock, which is more commonly available. Atlantic pollock is available fresh and frozen. It is a white, flaky fish similar to haddock but with more flavor due to a higher unsaturated fat content, which makes the meat darker. Baking, broiling, frying, and smoking are all recommended cooking methods.
►Companies, Brands, and Labels
North Atlantic Seafood
Port Clyde Fresh Catch
►Certifications & Verifications
Gulf of Maine Responsibly Harvested