Aquaculture Opportunity from the National Sea Grant Program | 2021 – Production Technologies
Marine Finfish Aquaculture: Juvenile Production Technologies
This opportunity is now closed.
The National Sea Grant College Program announced a new funding opportunity for research projects and programs to advance marine finfish juvenile production technologies for aquaculture.
For more information about this federal funding opportunity, please visit NOAA-OAR-SG-2022-2007054. You can find a downloadable pdf of the full announcement under the “Related Documents” tab.
Required Notice to Submit
Please notify Jessica Jansujwicz as soon as you decide to apply. A Notice to Submit to this competition must be received via email by Maine Sea Grant and the National Sea Grant Office by 5:00 p.m. Eastern on November 9, 2021. The Notice to Submit must include the following:
- Tentative Project Title
- Tentative Objectives
- Proposed Sea Grant Program(s) involved
- Potential Co-PIs and other existing or potential project partners
- Project point of contact with email
- Estimation of Federal funds requested by year.
The National Sea Grant Office will be hosting an informational webinar on October 15, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern (Link to join webinar here).
Full applications are due January 27, 2022. Please note that in order to submit a full proposal you must first email a Notice to Submit by the deadline mentioned above.
We will be updating this page with additional information from the National Sea Grant Office as it becomes available.