Primary Contact
Natalie Springuel
Marine Extension Program Lead
Maine Sea Grant College Program
Email Natalie Springuel
Natalie’s Profile
Phone 207.288.2944 x5834
Extension Staff Contact Information by Program
Maine Sea Grant College Program 
Natalie Springuel
Marine Extension Program Lead
Maine Sea Grant College Program
Email Natalie Springuel
Natalie’s Profile
Phone 207.288.2944 x5834
Beth Bisson
Associate Director, Marine Extension Program Leader
University of Maine
Email Beth Bisson
Beth Bisson Profile
Chris Bartlett
Marine Extension Associate
University of Maine
Email Chris Bartlett
Chris Bartlett Profile
New Hampshire Sea Grant
Gabriela Bradt, PhD
Fisheries Extension Specialist
University of New Hampshire
Email Gabriela Bradt
New Hampshire Sea Grant Staff
Katy Bland
Blue Economy Research & Engagement Associate with NERACOOS
Email Katy Bland
New Hampshire Sea Grant Staff
Alexa Brickett
Assistant Director for Communications
University of New Hampshire
Email Alexa Brickett
New Hampshire Sea Grant Staff
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Robert Vincent, PhD
Assistant Director for Advisory Services
Research Coordinator
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Email Robert Vincent
Robert Vincent Profile
WHOI Sea Grant
Jennie Rheuban
Research Associate III
Research Coordinator
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Jennie Rheuban
Stephanie Murphy
Sr. Communications Specialist
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Stephanie Murphy
New York Sea Grant
Antoinette Clemetson
Marine Fisheries Specialist
SUNY at Stony Brook
Email Antoinette Clemson
Antoinette Clemson Profile
Kathy Bunting-Howarth
Associate Director, New York Sea Grant Institute
Assistant Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell University
Email Kathy Bunting-Howarth
Kathy Bunting-Howarth Profile
Connecticut Sea Grant
Nancy Balcom
Associate Director and Program Leaders
Connecticut Sea Grant College Program
Senior Extension Educator
University of Connnecticut Extension
Email Nancy Balcom
Nancy Balcom Profile
Rhode Island Sea Grant
Azure Cygler
Fisheries & Aquaculture Extension Staff
The Coastal Resources Center
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Email Azure Cygler
Azure Cygler Profile
Researcher Contact Information by Project
2023 Cohort
Ecological and physical processes in surface convergences, a critical microhabitat for American lobster larvae
PI: Jesús Pineda, PhD
Senior Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Jesús Pineda
Jesús Pineda Profile
Co-PI: Carolyn Tepolt, PhD
Assistant Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Carolyn Tepolt
Carolyn Tepolt Profile
Jim Churchill
Senior Personnel
Oceanographer Emeritus
Physical Oceanography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Email Jim Churchill
Alex Ascher, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Alex Ascher
Development of comprehensive, time-varying growth transition matrices for American lobster
PI: Genevieve Nesslage, PhD
Associate Research Professor
UMCES, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Email Genny Nesslage
Nesslage Profile
Co-PI: Michael Wilberg, PhD
UMCES, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Email Michael Wilberg
Co-PI: Burton Shank, PhD
Research Fishery Biologist
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Burton Shank
Co-PI: Jeff Kipp
Senior Stock Assessment Scientist
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Email Jeff Kipp
Jeff Kipp Profile
Assessing American lobster distribution, movement, and shell disease impacts in a changing southern New England ecosystem
PI: Conor McManus, PhD
Deputy Chief
Division of Marine Fisheries
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Email Conor McManus
Conor McManus Profile
Co-PI: Corinne Truesdale
Supervising Biologist
Division of Marine Fisheries
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Email Corinne Truesdale
In hot water? Predicting how shifting temperatures and molting phenologies will impact regional patterns of epizootic shell disease in American lobster
PI: Maya Groner, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Email Maya Groner
Maya Groner Profile
Co-PI: Nick Record, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Tandy Center for Ocean Forecasting Director
Email Nick Record
Nick Record Profile
Melissa Rocker, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Email Melissa Rocker
Reyn Yoshioka, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Email Reyn Yoshioka
Kristen Johnston
Research Technician
Email Kristen Johnston
Examining social impacts in the American lobster fishery
PI: Jonathan Grabowski, PhD
Assistant Director and Professor
Marine and Environmental Sciences
Marine Science Center
Northeastern University
Email Jonathan Grabowski
Jonathan Grabowski Profile
781.581.7370 x337
Co-PI: Marissa McMahan, PhD
Director of Fisheries
Email Marissa McMahan
Marissa McMahan Profile
Co-PI: Steven Scyphers, PhD
University of South Alabama
Email Steven Scyphers
Beth Casoni (Collaborator)
Executive Director
Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association
Email Beth Casoni
Curt Brown (Collaborator)
Marine Biologist and Commercial Lobsterman
Ready Seafood
Email Curt Brown
Curt Brown Profile
Monique Coombs (Collaborator)
Director of Community Programs
Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association
Email Monique Coombs
Ecosystem regime shifts and American lobster populations
PI: Kathy Mills, PhD
Research Scientist
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Email Kathy Mills
Kathy Mills Profile
Co-PI: Kathleen Reardon
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
Co-PI: Heather Glon, PhD
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Heather Glon
Core personnel: Claire Enterline
Program Manager
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Claire Enterline Profile
Email Claire Enterline
Determining the dose- and range-dependent impacts of windfarm noise on stress in the American lobster
PI: T. Aran Mooney, PhD
Associate Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Aran Mooney
Aran Mooney Profile
Co-PI: Andria K. Salas, PhD
Postdoctoral Investigator
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Andria Salas
Co-PI: Julien Bonnel, PhD
Associate Scientists with tenure
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Julien Bonnel
N. David Bethoney, PhD (Collaborator)
Executive Director
Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation
Email David Bethoney
Michael Long (Collaborator)
Senior Research Biologist
Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation
Email Michael Long
2022 Cohort
Providing the lobster industry new gear technology in response to regulatory and environmental changes
PI: Erin Pelletier
Executive Director
Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation
Email Erin Pelletier
Co-PI: Jake Kritzer, PhD
Executive Director
Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems
Email Jake Kritzer
Co-PI: Cooper Van Vranken
Founder and Director
Ocean Data Network
Email Cooper Van Vranken
Co-PI: Changsheng Chen
School for Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Email Changsheng Chen
Changsheng Chen Profile
Co-PI: Yong Chen, PhD
Professor of Marine Science
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Email Yong Chen
Yong Chen Profile
James Manning (Partner)
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email James Manning
George Maynard, PhD (Partner)
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Centers
Cooperative Research Branch
Email George Maynard
Richard Wahle, PhD (Partner)
Director of the Lobster Institute
Research Professor
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Richard Wahle
Richard Wahle Profile
Damian Brady, PhD (Partner)
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Damian Brady
Damian Brady Profile
David Bethoney (Partner)
Executive Director
Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation
Integrating and evaluating non-traditional gear technologies to reduce the risk to whales from fixed-gear fisheries
PI: Kevin Staples
Marine Resource Scientist I
Division of Ecology and the Environment
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kevin Staples
2021 Cohort
An ecosystem-based approach to American lobster habitat and trophic dynamics: Integrated modeling to evaluate climate-related impacts
PI: Damian Brady, PhD
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Darling Marine Center
Email Damian Brady
Damian Brady Profile
Co-PI: Richard Wahle, PhD
Director of the Lobster Institute
Research Professor
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Richard Wahle [richard.wahle@maine.edu]
Richard Wahle Profile
Co-PI: Rubao Ji, PhD
Senior Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Rubao Ji
Rubao Ji Profile
Co-PI: Changsheng Chen, PhD
School for Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Email Changsheng Chen
Changsheng Chen Profile
Co-PI: Joshua Carloni
Senior Fisheries Biologist
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Email Joshua Carloni
Co-PI: Burton Shank, PhD
Research Fishery Biologist
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Burton Shank
Burton Shank Profile
Co-PI Andrew Goode, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Darling Marine Center
Email Andrew Goode
Answering an industry question, “Who’s eating juvenile lobsters?”: An evaluation of lobster predation in the Gulf of Maine using stomach content analysis
PI: Rebecca Peters
Marine Resource Scientist II, Lead Trawl Survey Scientist
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Rebecca Peters
Co-PI: Jesica Waller
Director, Division for Biological Monitoring and Assessment
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Jesica Waller
Co-PI: Carla Guenther, PhD
Chief Scientist
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Email Carla Guenther
Carla Guenther Profile
Co-PI: Elija Bates
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Elija Bates
Kathleen Reardon (Advisor)
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
William DeVoe (Advisor)
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email William DeVoe
Steve Train (Advisor)
F/V Wild Irish Rose
Email Steve Train
Connecting the dots’: Environmental drivers of egg production and stability in ovigerous American lobsters in the Gulf of Maine
PI: Jason Goldstein
Research Director
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Jason Goldstein
Jason Goldstein Profile
207.646.1555 x136
Co-PI: Joshua Carloni
Senior Fisheries Biologist
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Email Joshua Carloni
Co-PI: Steven Jury, PhD
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Biology Department
Email Steven Jury
Steven Jury Profile
Co-PI: Benjamin Gutzler, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Benjamin Gutzler
Benjamin Gutzler Profile
Co-PI: Winsor Watson, PhD
Emeritus Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Biological Sciences
Email Winsor Watson
Winsor Watson Profile
Brittany Jellison, PhD (Partner)
Assistant Professor
University of New Hampshire
School of Marine Science and Ocean
Department of Biological Sciences
Email Brittany Jellison
Keith Ellenbogen (Partner)
Associate Professor of Photography
SUNY/Fashion Institute of Technology
Email Keith Ellenbogen
Edward Foye (Partner)
F/V Norman & Mary Fisheries Inc.
Eliot, Maine
Damon Frampton (Partner)
F/V Vivian Mae
Portsmouth Lobster Company LLC
Portsmouth, NH
Email Damon Frampton
Evaluating impacts of changing life history parameters on the American lobster stock dynamics under different management regulations in a warming Northeastern US
PI: Yong Chen, PhD
Professor of Marine Science
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Email Yong Chen
Yong Chen Profile
Co-PI: Jeff Kipp
Senior Stock Assessment Scientist
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Email Jeff Kipp
Jeff Kipp Profile
Co-PI: Conor McManus, PhD
Deputy Chief
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Email Conor McManus
Co-PI: Samuel Truesdell, PhD
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Email Samule Truesdell
Co-PI: Kathleen Reardon
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
Co-PI: Kim McKown
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (Retired)
Email Kim McKown
Co-PI: Noah Khalsa (Graduate student)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
University of Maine
Email Noah Khalsa
Co-PI: Cameron Hodgdon (Graduate student)
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Email Cameron Hodgdon
Cameron Hodgdon Profile
Amalia Harrington, PhD (Advisor)
Email Amalia Harrington
Burton Shank, PhD (Advisor)
Research Fishery Biologist
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Burton Shank
Burton Shank Profile
Jui-Han Chang, PhD (Advisor)
Research Biologist
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Jui-Han Chang
Jui-Han Chang Profile
Megan Ware (Advisor)
Director of External Affairs
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Megan Ware
Patrice McCarron (Advisor)
Policy Director
Maine Lobstermen’s Association
Email Patrice McCarron
Annie Tselikis (Advisor)
Executive Director
Maine Lobster Dealers Association
Email Annie Tselikis
Investigating the ecological impacts of range-expanding species to the American lobster fishery using collaborative surveys, fisher observations, and predator-prey experiments
PI: Jonathan Grabowski, PhD
Assistant Director and Professor
Marine and Environmental Sciences
Marine Science Center
Northeastern University
Email Jonathan Grabowski
Jonathan Grabowski Profile
781.581.7370 x337
Co-PI: Marissa McMahan, PhD
Director of Fisheries
Email Marissa McMahan
Marissa McMahan Profile
Co-PI: Loren McClenachan, PhD
Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie Associate Professor
Environmental Studies
Colby College
Email Loren McClenachan
Loren McClenachan Profile
Co-PI: Steven Scyphers, PhD
Assistant Professor
Marine and Environmental Sciences
Marine Science Center
Northeastern University
Email Steven Scyphers
Steven Scyphers Profile
Co-PI: Helen Cheng (Graduate Student)
Marine and Environmental Sciences
Northeastern University
Email Helen Cheng
Helen Cheng Profile
The influence of season and temperature on the distribution and abundance of juvenile lobsters assessed via traditional ventless and novel early benthic phase traps
PI: Joshua Carloni
Senior Fisheries Biologist
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Email Joshua Carloni
Co-PI: Jason Goldstein, PhD
Research Director
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Jason Goldstein
Jason Goldstein Profile
207.646.1555 x136
Co-PI: Benjamin Gutzler, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Benjamin Gutzler
Benjamin Gutzler Profile
Co-PI: Stephen Jury, PhD
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Biology Department
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Email Steven Jury
Steven Jury Profile
Co-PI: Winsor Watson, PhD
Emeritus Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Biological Sciences
Email Winsor Watson
Winsor Watson Profile
2020 Cohort
Testing and developing effective non-invasive female maturity assessment methods and protocols for the American lobster (Homarus americanus)
PI: Jesica Waller
Director, Division for Biological Monitoring and Assessment
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Jesica Waller
Co-PI: Kathleen Reardon
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
Co-PI: Fraser Clark, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Animal Science and Aquaculture
Email Fraser Clark
Fraser Clark Profile
Heidi Henninger (Advisor)
Scientific/Program Manager
Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s Association
Email Heidi Henninger
Assessing the broad-scale distribution and abundance of lobster larvae and their potential food sources throughout the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
PI: Heidi Henninger
Scientific/Program Manager
Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s Association
Email Heidi Henninger
Co-PI: Kathleen Reardon
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
Co-PI: Jesica Waller
Director, Division for Biological Monitoring and Assessment
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Jesica Waller
Co-PI: Eric Annis, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Hood College
Eric Annis Profile
Co-PI: Joshua Carloni, MS
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Project Leader, Lobster Research and Monitoring
Email Joshua Carloni
LeAnn Whitney, PhD (Collaborator)
Assistant Professor
Corning School of Ocean Studies
Maine Maritime Academy
Email LeAnn Whitney
LeAnn Whitney Profile
Jason Goldstein, PhD (Advisor)
Research Director
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Jason Goldstein
Jason Goldstein Profile
207.646.1555 x136
Bait alternative development and future visioning in the New England lobster fishery
PI: Adrian Jordaan, PhD
Associate Professor
Gloucester Marine Station and Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Email Adrian Jordaan
Adrian Jordaan Profile
Co-PI: Amanda Kinchla
Extension Associate Professor
Department of Food Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Email Amanda Kinchla
Amanda Kinchla Profile
Co-PI: Brian Cheng, PhD
Assistant Professor
Gloucester Marine Station and Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Email Brian Cheng
Brian Cheng Profile
Co-PI: Jynessa Dutka-Gianelli, PhD
Research Scientist
Gloucester Marine Station and Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Email Jynessa Gianelli
Ann Molloy (Collaborator)
Sales Director
Neptune’s Harvest
Email Ann Molloy
Mark Ring (Collaborator)
Board Member of the Lobster Foundation of Massachusetts
Chair of the City of Gloucester Fisheries Commission
F/V Stanley Thomas
Email Mark Ring
Beth Casoni (Collaborator)
Executive Director
Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association
Email Beth Casoni
Early life history of American lobsters in coastal southern New England waters
PI: Jeremy Collie, PhD
Graduate School of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island
Email Jeremy Collie
Jeremy Collie Profile
Co-PI: Conor McManus, PhD
Deputy Chief
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Email Conor McManus
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Staff Page
Co-PI: Richard Wahle, PhD
Director of the Lobster Institute
Research Professor
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Richard Wahle
Richard Wahle Profile
Fishing in hot water: defining sentinel indicators of resilience in the American lobster fishery
PI: Joshua Stoll, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Joshua Stoll
Joshua Stoll Profile
Co-PI: Kathleen Reardon
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
Co-PI: Carla Guenther, PhD
Chief Scientist
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Email Carla Guenther
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries Staff Page
Patrice McCarron (Advisor)
Policy Director
Maine Lobstermen’s Association
Email Patrice McCarron
Lisa Colburn, PhD (Advisor)
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Lisa Colburn
Lisa Colburn Profile
Michael Jepson, PhD (Advisor)
Branch Chief
Social Sciences Branch
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
Email Michael Jepson
Mike Jepson Profile
Incorporating changes in thermal habitat and growth to improve the assessment of American lobster stocks and spatial distribution in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank and southern New England
PI: Walter Golet, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Walter Golet
Walter Golet Profile
Co-PI: Yong Chen, PhD
Professor of Marine Science
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Email Yong Chen
Yong Chen Profile
Co-PI: Mackenzie Mazur, PhD
Research Scientist
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Co-PI: Cameron Hodgdon, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
Email Cameron Hodgdon
Cameron Hodgdon Profile
Co-PI: Jeff Kipp, PhD
Senior Stock Assessment Scientist
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Email Jeff Kipp
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Staff Page
Co-PI: Conor McManus, PhD
Deputy Chief
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Email Conor McManus
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Staff Page
Kathleen Reardon (Advisor)
Marine Resource Scientist III
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Email Kathleen Reardon
Burton Shank, PhD (Advisor)
Research Fishery Biologist
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Burton Shank
Burton Shank Profile
Jui-Han Chang, PhD (Advisor)
Research Biologist
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Email Jui-Han Chang
Jui-Han Chang Profile
Patrice McCarron (Advisor)
Policy Director
Maine Lobstermen’s Association
Email Patrice McCarron
Annie Tselikis (Advisor)
Executive Director
Maine Lobster Dealers Association
Email Annie Tselikis
Surface convergences: a critical pelagic microhabitat for American lobster postlarvae?
PI: Jesús Pineda, PhD
Senior Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Jesús Pineda
Jesús Pineda Profile
Co-PI: Carolyn Tepolt, PhD
Assistant Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Carolyn Tepolt
Carolyn Tepolt Profile
Understanding and improving spatial distribution projections for lobster: Considering predation and building expert consensus
PI: Kathy Mills, PhD
Research Scientist
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Email Kathy Mills
Kathy Mills Profile
Co-PI: Andrew Allyn
Quantitative Research Associate
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Email Andrew Allyn
Andrew Allyn Profile
Understanding the cause of low dissolved oxygen in Cape Cod Bay and initiating a hypoxia warning system for the lobster fishery
PI: Tracy Pugh, PhD
Senior Marine Fisheries Biologist
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Email Tracy Pugh
Co-PI: Amy Costa
Director, Cape Cod Bay Monitoring Program
Center for Coastal Studies
Email Amy Costa
Center for Coastal Studies Staff Page
508.487.3623 x 122
Co-PI: Owen Nichols
Director, Marine Fisheries Research
Center for Coastal Studies
Email Owen Nichols
Center for Coastal Studies Staff Page
508.487.3623 x 128
Co-PI: Kelly Whitmore
Marine Fisheries Biologist
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Email Kelly Whitmore
978.282.0308 x 102
Co-PI: W. Rockwell Geyer, PhD
Senior Scientist
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department
Email Rockwell Geyer
Rockwell Geyer Profile
Co-PI: Malcolm Scully, PhD
Associate Scientist with Tenure
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department
Email Malcolm Scully
Malcolm Scully Profile
2019 Cohort
Projecting climate-related shifts in American lobster habitat and connectivity: integrated modeling to inform sustainable management
PI: Damian Brady, PhD
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Damian Brady
Damian Brady Profile
Co-PI: Huijie Xue, PhD
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Huijie Xue
Huijie Xue Profile
Co-PI: Lewis Incze, PhD
Professor Emeritus
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Lewis Incze
Lewis Incze Profile
Co-PI: Rubao Ji, PhD
Senior Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Email Rubao Ji
Rubao Ji Profile
Co-PI: Changsheng Chen, PhD
School for Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Email Changsheng Chen
Changsheng Chen Profile
Kenneth Rose, PhD (Collaborating Consultant)
University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Sciences
Email Kenneth Rose
Kenneth Rose Profile
Andrew Goode, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Andrew Goode
Andrew Goode Profile
Siqi Li (Graduate Student)
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Modeling
School for Marine Science and Technology
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Email Siqi Li
Fish less, earn more: assessing maximum economic yield effort levels in Gulf of Maine’s lobster fishery, incorporating lessons learned from southern New England, Canada and Australia
PI: Alexa Dayton, PhD
Executive Director
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Email Alexa Dayton
Co-PI: Kanae Tokunaga, PhD
Associate Research Scientist
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Email Kanae Tokunaga
Kanae Tokunaga Profile
The potential influence of increased water temperatures in the Gulf of Maine on the distribution of female American lobsters and the impacts of these distribution shifts on larval recruitment
PI: Jason Goldstein, PhD
Research Director
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Jason Goldstein
Jason Goldstein Profile
207.646.1555 x136
Co-PI: Benjamin Gutzler, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
Maine Coastal Ecology Center
Email Benjamin Gutzler
Benjamin Gutzler Profile
(207) 646-1555
Co-PI: Joshua Carloni, MS
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Project Leader, Lobster Research and Monitoring
Email Joshua Carloni
Co-PI: Steven Jury, PhD
Assistant Professor
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Biology Department
Email Steven Jury
Steven Jury Profile
Co-PI: Tom Lippmann, PhD
Associate Professor
University of New Hampshire
Dept. of Earth Sciences and Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping
Email Tom Lippmann
Tom Lippmann
Co-PI: Win Watson, PhD
University of New Hampshire
Department of Biological Sciences
Email Win Watson
Win Watson Profile
Co-PI: Anita Kim, MS
Assistant Scientist and Laboratory Operations Manager
New England Aquarium
Email Anita Kim
Anita Kim Profile
Resilience, adaptation, and transformation in lobster fishing communities
PI: Kathy Mills, PhD
Research Scientist
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Kathy Mills
Kathy Mills Profile
Co-PI: Lisa Colburn, PhD
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Social Sciences Branch
Email Lisa Colburn
Growth in large offshore lobsters: addressing a critical data gap in the US Lobster Stock Assessment
PI: Tracy Pugh, PhD
Senior Marine Fisheries Biologist
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Email Tracy Pugh
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Co-PI: Robert Glenn
Chief Marine Fisheries Biologist
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
Email Robert Glenn
Reproduction in an era of rapid environmental change: the effect of multiple stressors on reproductive success, embryogenesis, and emerging larvae of the American lobster
PI: Emily Rivest, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
College of William & Mary
Email Emily Rivest
Emily Rivest Profile
Marine Physiological Ecology Research Unit at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Co-PI: Jeff Shields, PhD
Moses D. Nunnally Distinguished Professor of Marine Science
Department of Aquatic Health Sciences
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
College of William & Mary
Email Jeff Shields
Jeff Shields Profile
Bridging the ‘Great Disconnect’: linking the Gulf of Maine pelagic food web to lobster recruitment dynamics
PI: Richard Wahle, PhD
Director of the Lobster Institute
Research Professor
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Richard Wahle
Richard Wahle Profile
Co-PI: David Fields, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Email David Fields
David Fields Profile
Co-I: Pete Countway, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Email Pete Countway
Pete Countway Profile
Co-I: Rachel Lasley-Rasher, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
University of Southern Maine
Email Rachel Lasley-Rasher
Rachel Lasley-Rasher Profile
Joshua Carloni, MS (Senior Personnel)
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Project Leader, Lobster Research and Monitoring
Email Joshua Carloni
Paul Geoghagan (Senior Personnel)
Senior Principal Scientist
Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Email Paul Geoghagan
Alex Ascher (Graduate Student)
Candidate for PhD in Marine Biology
University of Maine
School of Marine Sciences
Email Alex Ascher
Alex Ascher Profile