Michelle Brown

Michelle joined the Sea Grant team in 2025 as the Lobster Research and Extension Coordinator. Her work is centered around the American Lobster Initiative, helping to lead the Regional Lobster Research Program with the Northeast Sea Grant members and connecting harvesters, scientists, and managers in the Gulf of Maine around research and management priorities across the lobster industry.

As the wife of a commercial lobsterman, Michelle is personally invested in the lobstering community. She looks foward to navigating the challenges facing the industry alongside harvesters, researchers, and managers.

She enjoys getting out onto the water and helping her husband haul traps, and is also an aspiring kelp farmer and completed both the Aquaculture in Shared Waters program and Aquaculture Bootcamp.


Michelle graduated from Tufts University in 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree, majoring in Anthropology as well as Environmental Studies. In 2010, she graduated from Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment with a Master’s in Environmental Management.

Boards and Committees

Maine Fishermen’s Forum
Waterfront Alliance of Portland/South Portland