Blog Entry

featured image two smiling women processing food

Living with the Rainforest: The Cultural Knowledge of Borneo’s Dayak People

Contributor: Kristen Grant, Marine Extension Associate Kristen Grant, Marine Extension Associate with Maine Sea Grant, traveled to Borneo, Indonesia for three weeks this past fall to study with the Dayak people and help document their traditional uses of native plants for food and medicine. Borneo, or Kalimantan as it is known locally, is among the […]

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Dozens of conference participants line up for an outside photo

Aquaculture ME! connects aquaculture to Maine classrooms

Contributor: Morgan Cuthbert, Maine Sea Grant Professional Development Grant recipient and Aquaculture ME! founder On Friday, January 24, Aquaculture ME!, an initiative that connects classroom teachers with aquaculture science and industry, held its first ever professional development conference at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center near Damariscotta. The event was supported through grants from […]

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Photo of Sandra Oliver in the kitchen with her books

Coastal Conversations Radio Program: Holiday Seafood Traditions [Re-broadcast]

Coastal Conversations show: December 27, 2019 (Original air date: December 2015) WERU 89.9 in Blue Hill and 99.9 in Bangor Host: Natalie Springuel, Maine Sea Grant Listen to the show on WERU archives Humans have long incorporated food with celebration. Ancestors of the native Wabanaki people observed seasonal changes like the arrival of winter and the […]

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Spruce brush placed in a 22 x 14 foot plot

Enhancing clam recruitment along the Maine coast

by Abigail Muscat View related research project: Examining the efficacy of methods to enhance soft-shell clam recruitment along the Maine coast Scientists at the Downeast Institute, led by Dr. Brian Beal, have been studying whether “brushing” is a viable option for increasing soft-shell clam populations along the Maine coast. This research aims to protect and […]

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a pile of leaflets for shell day

Shell Day

by Abigail Muscat On August 22, 2019, 57 water-quality related organizations gathered along the coast from Long Island Sound to Downeast Maine for a single-day water monitoring blitz. The question: “What is the relationship between salinity and alkalinity?” Alkalinity is the ability of water to neutralize an acid, or in other words, resist pH fluctuations. […]

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illustrative still of a sandpiper video showing sandpipers

Sandpipers at High Tide

Check out the recent video shot by extension associate Chris Bartlett. Shorebirds migrate through Maine in late summer en route from their northern breeding grounds to their southern wintering areas. Chris Bartlett with Maine Sea Grant recorded these semipalmated sandpipers in Eastport while they were resting at high tide.

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scallop photo

UMaine News: Researchers use DNA in seawater to monitor scallop reproduction

Read about Skylar Bayer’s Maine Sea Grant-funded research on UMaine news: Researchers use DNA in seawater to monitor scallop reproduction The funded projects mentioned in the article are: DV-16-06 Developing a genetic toolkit to detect spawning events of giant sea scallops DV-17-12 Field testing a new genetic marker on spawning scallop populations

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