Coastal Ecosystems

Maine’s extensive coastline varies from sand dune systems and barrier beaches in the south, to rocky peninsulas and islands in the central portion of the state, to the steep cliffs and rugged shores Downeast. Large bays, salt marshes, mud flats, beaches, rocky intertidal zones, and rivers and streams support commercial fisheries and tourism, all of which depend on clean water, plentiful marine resources, and diverse wildlife. Our coastal ecosystems are relatively intact, a situation that presents challenges as well as opportunities for innovative management and restoration. Healthy ecosystems are the foundation for the future of the people in the region. 

Our coastal ecosystems work is designed to inform and improve state and local ecosystem management efforts through research, monitoring, facilitation, and science communication. Our research investments in this focus area are as diverse as the ecosystems in the state, with emphasis on applied research that has the potential to address complex challenges. Water quality, species-specific research and habitat monitoring and restoration, along with efforts to identify and protect ecosystem services are major priorities for our work in this focus area.

Our goals:

Ensure coastal ecosystem connectivity and function

American Lobster Initiative (ALI)

Marine Invasives

The Beaches Conference

Ecosystem Health Research

Research Priority Setting

Maine Sea Grant staff frequently provide group process facilitation for municipal, state, federal or tribal resource agency planning and research priority-setting activities related to ecosystem health. Examples include facilitation for the Maine Department of Marine Resources’ (DMR) efforts to draft or update management plans for commercial species and an inter-agency state and federal working group supporting Atlantic salmon research and management. Sea Grant extension staff also provide facilitation and technical support for municipal planning activities and community listening sessions, such as those related to shellfish co-management and aquaculture siting.

Protect and improve the quality and availability of water resources

Water Infrastructure

Alicia Shrestha’s blog about building capacity for coastal resilience in Downeast Maine

Emerging Contaminants

Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) are a broad group of chemicals that have been detected in increasing concentrations in the nation’s surface water, groundwater and aquatic ecosystems, posing risks to both human health and the environment. They are present in a wide range of materials, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, household cleaners, industrial chemicals like per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), lawn care and agricultural products, and microfibers. In response, the National Sea Grant Network is expanding its research efforts to focus on CECs and supporting projects that address local needs. Through partnerships with Maine state agencies and academic institutions, Maine Sea Grant is engaged in this effort to support research and monitoring of CECs, particularly in coastal and estuarine environments. By addressing region-specific concerns, Sea Grant aims to provide essential information to help mitigate the impacts of these contaminants on ecological and human health.

Marine Debris



Protect and improve habitat for marine, coastal, and diadromous species


Identify and protect ecosystem services


Engage diverse sources of knowledge in efforts to protect and improve ecosystem health


Recent Activities