The Four P’s of a Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Industry – Workshop with the National Aquaculture Association
The Four P’s of a Safe and Sustainable Aquaculture Industry:
Practices, Presentation, Promotion and the Press – Saving Your Business and Your Markets
On October 7, 2011, we hosted the National Aquaculture Association in for this workshop. It was a road show of sorts, since this workshop had been given in other parts of the country; the NAA was able to do with with funding assistance from the National Soybean Board. Besides Maine Sea Grant and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, other local sponsors included the University of Maine’s Aquaculture Research Institute, the Maine Aquaculture Association, Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center, and the Maine Dept. of Marine Resources.
Speakers included Linda O’Dierno, the NAA’s Education Specialist, and two professionals at the Univ. of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; Drs. Andy Goodwin and Nathan Stone. We were fortunate to have Sebastian Belle, Executive Director of the Maine Aquaculture Association with us as well.
The program was aimed at getting aquaculture producers (freshwater or saltwater, finfish, shellfish or algae) armed with some real information they could use when talking with buyers, consumers and members of the media, when confronted with questions about sustainability, oversight and food safety, and environmental protection. Growers often get questions in these areas, and having some data on hand, as well as some language to communicate the answers, is useful to have in the back pocket.
For specific question to the NAA, contact Linda O’Dierno at:
870.850.7900, or by email
To contact the Maine Aquaculture Association, call or email:
207.622.0136, or by email
For other questions or comments, call Dana Morse, at Maine Sea Grant:
207.563.3146 x 205, or by email