
Working Waterfront Access: A Forum on Challenges and Solutions

Working Waterfront Access: A Forum on Challenges and Solutions, University of Maine Darling Marine Center, Walpole, Maine, December 17, 2003 On December 17, 2003, the Gulf of Maine Foundation, Maine Sea Grant Marine Extension Team (MET), Maine Coastal Program, and Island Institute co-sponsored a forum, Working Waterfront Access 2003, at the Darling Marine Center in […]

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Gulf of Maine Expedition

In 2002, Sea Grant MET member and expedition team leader, Natalie Springuel, embarked on a five-month sea kayaking journey called the Gulf of Maine Expedition. She and six additional team members and program staff organized the journey along the entire coast of the Gulf of Maine, from Provincetown, MA, to Cape Sable Island, N.S. The […]

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Ambassadors of the Bay Kayak Expedition

Natalie Springuel and other MET members are working with communities on bay-related issues throughout the state. In Frenchman Bay in 2005 and 2006, Sea Grant partnered with a nonprofit organization in Mount Desert, ME, called the Mount Desert Island Water Quality Coalition (MDIWQC) to sponsor “The Ambassadors of the Bay,” mini-expeditions modeled after the 2002 […]

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Knotless Codend Mesh Sensitivity

Extension Associate Dana Morse is working with Boothbay Harbor fishermen Kelo Pinkham and Stanley Coffin, in their efforts to reduce bycatch, improve energy efficiency, and improve mesh size enforceability in trawl nets. The study, entitled “Sea Trials to Assess Knotless Mesh Codend Selectivity,” is enabled through a $46,180 grant from the Northeast Consortium. The size, […]

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Recreational Island Monitoring

As interest in recreational opportunities on Maine’s public and private islands continues to grow, recreation management will increasingly depend on science-based information about the relationship between island use and island conditions. Natalie coordinates the new multi-organization island monitoring task force, whose goal is to develop science-based island monitoring methods that will help managers and island […]

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Downeast Fisheries Trail logo

Downeast Fisheries Trail

The Downeast Fisheries Trail has a new website! Check it out for description of of the 45 sites on the Trail, events, activities, fantastic historical images, and much more. Downeast Fisheries Trail also has a Facebook page. What is the Downeast Fisheries Trail? The Downeast Fisheries Trail is an educational trail that showcases active and […]

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Coastal Access in Southern Maine

Thank you for joining us at Coastal Access in Southern Maine, one of a series of workshops hosted by Maine Sea Grant in 2006. One goal of the forum is to provide resources and tools to help participants take action in addressing local coastal access issues. Below you will find downloadable files that summarize the […]

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Coastal Access and Working Waterfronts

From hundreds of small fishing villages to several ports, Maine’s waterfronts are unique resources that offer social, cultural, economic, and environmental benefits. People need access to these waterfronts for different reasons; many depend on access to the waterfront to earn their living, including members of the fishing and aquaculture industries as well as those working […]

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Coastal Housing

Development patterns in coastal communities during the housing boom of the 1990’s and early 2000’s often favored construction of residences featuring large homes on large lots. This approach resulted in the availability of housing stock in those coastal communities that was unaffordable to much of the communities’ workforce. In response, the firefighters, police officers, teachers, […]

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Newfoundland: Lessons for Maine

The Role of Tourism in Fisheries Crises: The Case of Newfoundland and Applications to Maine Tourism is increasingly touted as a development opportunity for coastal and rural areas affected by natural resource decline. As commercial fisheries face depletion the world over, people look to tourism to help coastal communities recover from economic crisis, but little […]

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