Blog Entry

people on a dock looking at clam nursery equipment

Quahog Aquaculture Effort Hosts First Training Session

With thanks to Manomet’s Ethel Wilkerson, for contributing the guest blog post below.  The project is another example of efforts along Maine’s coastline to diversify the working waterfront, and to explore ways in which the fishing and aquaculture industries can integrate. – D. Morse   On August 28th, oyster farmers from mid-coast Maine gathered in […]

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photo of a boat coming in to dock

“Where It All Starts” – A Video About Maine’s Working Waterfront

by Natalie Springuel “Where It All Starts” is a short documentary centered around working waterfronts in Maine and their socio-cultural importance in coastal communities. Produced by College of the Atlantic graduate student, Giulia Cardoso, the documentary looks at the working waterfronts of Steuben, Boothbay Harbor and Northeast Harbor through the eyes of local fishermen, while […]

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cover showing the title of the publication

Guidance to Maine Oyster Farmers On Selling Your Product In-State

For an oyster farm to be a profitable enterprise, farmers need to get the product to market. The options that are available to them — especially new farmers — can sometimes be confusing. This sheet briefly summarizes some simple ways that holders of a valid Maine Aquaculture License can get their shellfish to market. This descriptive document […]

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a great blue heron in a dead tree against a blue sky

Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge – and Those Who Keep It

by Catherine Schmitt I. Along the edges of bayou canals, shrimp boats were gearing up for the season, butterfly nets rigged and ready to drop, herons and laughing gulls flying from bank to bank. Along the shore, people young and old fished for spotted sea trout and redfish. Some stood on sinking docks, others sat […]

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Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History Project

by Natalie Springuel First person stories about Winter Harbor’s fisheries heritage are now part of the Winter Harbor Historical Society’s audio collection! A multimedia story map about these interviews can be viewed at the Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History Project. The Winter Harbor Fisheries Oral History Project, conducted in the Fall of 2017, captured the stories, memories, […]

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Gather and Feast, Past and Present

by Catherine Schmitt Note: In August, a group of about 40 people gathered to learn about and discuss Maine’s shell middens, part of the Maine Sea Grant-funded research project, Lost to the Sea. The two-day workshop include a field trip to the Whaleback Midden State Historic Site. We thought it would be informative to revisit […]

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New journal article in Frontiers in Marine Science

Graduate student Jordan Snyder and Sea Grant Assistant Director for Research Damian Brady and their colleagues have a new paper in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science about their NOAA Sea Grant-funded research on developing tools for siting aquaculture operations. Here’s the abstract of the article: “Remote sensing data is useful for selection of aquaculture […]

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Downeast Fisheries Trail logo

The Downeast Fisheries Trail Celebration

by Natalie Springuel On May 9th 2017, the Downeast Fisheries Trail community of site managers and friends will gather at the Schoodic Institute in Winter Harbor to celebrate the region’s fisheries heritage. The Downeast Fisheries Trail connects 45 historic and active fisheries sites from Penobscot Bay to Passamaquoddy Bay that illustrate the region’s maritime heritage. Sites include fish hatcheries, aquaculture facilities, […]

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Northeastern Coastal Station Alliance (NeSCA); Small field stations, unite!

NOTE: This blog was written by Hannah Webber, the Research and Education Projects Manager for Schoodic Institute, working on a Sea Grant-funded project with Caitlin Cleaver of the Hurricane Island Foundation. From the tip of Cape Cod to Isles of Shoals to Bon Portage Island in Nova Scotia biological and marine science field stations dot the coast of […]

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oyster sieves

Hatchery Season

Here in early March in Maine, we are starting to get a bit of respite from the long nights, short days and bitter winds of winter. The sun shines more directly, puddles form in driveways and along the roadsides, and the voices of streams can be heard as the snowmelt begins. You may even have […]

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