Keri Kaczor
Knox-Lincoln Cooperative Extension
377 Manktown Road
Waldoboro, ME 04572
Phone 207.974.9502
Email Keri Kaczor
Keri Kaczor in the Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development Program Manager for Maine Sea Grant. She joined the Marine Extension Team as an AmeriCorp volunteer in 2003, and has been engaged in environmental literacy initiatives, ecosystem health monitoring and pollution remediation, and efforts to grow and strengthen Maine’s marine economy, etc.
In 2022, she started her new role that extends across Maine Sea Grant’s Extension and Research portfolio. Her work enhances existing program areas, as well as builds the organization’s capacity around education and workforce development. She serves as the liaison to state, regional and national initiatives, leveraging resources and facilitating the exchange of knowledge to benefit the whole. Co-developed with public and private sector partners, Keri creates new opportunities that enable a scientifically literate public and a skilled and ready workforce.
M.S. (Marine Policy), University of Maine 2009
B.S. (Zoology; Biological Aspects of Conservation) University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002
Environmental Studies Certificate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002
Board and Committee Participation
Board of Directors, Gulf of Maine Marine Educators Alliance (Jan. 2025-Present)
Board of Directors and Pantry Volunteer, Come Spring Food Pantry (February 2023-Present)
Member, National Marine Educators Association (November 2021-Present)
Member, Sea Grant Educators’ Network (November 2021-Present)
Member, Knox County Teacher of the Year Review Committee (April 2024-Present)
Member, New England Ocean Science Education Collaborative and Ocean Literacy Conference Planning Committee (September 2023-Present)
Member, Maine Sea Grant Undergraduate Scholar Review Committee (2021-Present)
Co-Chair, Seafood Economic Accelerator for Maine Workforce and Talent Development Committee (Feb. 2022-March 2024)
Member, Seafood Economic Accelerator for Maine Executive Committee, (April 2020- March 2024)
Member, Seafood Economic Accelerator for Maine Steering Committee, (April 2020- March 2024)
Member, UMaine/UMaine Machias K-12 Outreach Network (2021-2024)
Member, Downeast Innovation Network (Jan. 2020- December 2023)
Member, FocusMaine Propel Aquaculture Grant Review Committee (March 2023)
Member, Seafood Economic Accelerator for Maine: Workforce Capacity Building Grants Review Committee (Dec. 2022-March 2023)
Member, Maine Sea Grant Marine Professional Review Committee (February 2023)
Member, Maine Ocean School Admissions Team (2021)
Member, Seafood Economic Accelerator for Maine Project Manager Hiring Committee (May 2020)
Member, Maine Beaches Conference Steering Committee (Sept. 2004- Jan. 2018)