Focus Areas
A National Framework
A national framework of focus areas describes the Sea Grant network’s overarching priorities based on national and regional needs and initiatives. The focus areas provide a structure to organize relevant accomplishments, impacts and outcomes with applicable priority…Each university-based Sea Grant program contributes to the national focus areas and goals. Program strategies are aligned with the national network, but participation in individual focus areas, goals and performance measures are determined after consultation with local and regional stakeholders and advisors. This iterative and flexible planning process allows for local level input to identify and develop methods to address emerging issues while assuring alignment with the national strategic plan.
–National Sea Grant College Program Strategic Plan
Maine Sea Grant Focus Areas
Coastal Ecosystems
Our work in this focus area informs and improves state and community-based ecosystem management efforts through research, monitoring, providing facilitation and coordination for water quality, habitat and ecosystem management initiatives.
Communities and Economies
Demographic, economic, political, and environmental changes within Maine’s coastal communities often manifest as user conflicts, increase demand on the coastal environment, and have the potential to erode Maine’s natural and cultural heritage. Our work helps communities gather and use the resources they need to thrive in the face of both predicted and unexpected ecological, social, economic, and demographic changes.
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Maine Sea Grant’s work in safe and sustainable seafood is focused on fisheries that are managed by the state and/or communities, a scale at which our fishermen can get involved in science, monitoring, and management. Our work in aquaculture includes continued development of new culture techniques and target species, as well as marketing, industry support, and connections to consumers.
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development
All of Maine Sea Grant’s programs and project are implemented to increase environmental literacy and workforce development opportunities for Maine people of all ages. The goals of this focus area are integrated into all extension and communications staff work plans as well as the funding criteria for our research program.