Blog Entry

Scientist, student, storyteller at the International Marine Conservation Congress

This week, Sea Grant-supported researcher Skylar Bayer will be reporting from the International Marine Conservation Congress of the Society for Conservation Biology. Bayer is a guest speaker at the storytelling workshop on the 28th, and then is presenting on her research, “Building a tool kit to assess reproductive performance of commercially exploited broadcast spawners inside and outside […]

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Young mariners in Maine go to camp, go to college, and go fishing

Have you heard about Maine Sea Grant’s radio show Coastal Conversations? It airs on the fourth Friday of each month at 10 AM on WERU Community Radio 89.9 FM, which broadcasts from roughly mid-coast to nearly the Canadian border. You can also access past shows online anytime. Since we started the show in January 2015, […]

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The Case of the Missing Shad

Shad are the largest member of the herring family, which includes Atlantic herring, blueback herring, and alewives. They are among the 12 species of native sea-run or diadromous fish expected to benefit from efforts to restore free-flowing rivers, efforts like the Penobscot River Restoration Project, which recently completed a bypass channel around the Howland Dam, […]

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Where to eat on the [working] waterfront

Ah, summer! So short and so sweet. We go outside, into the long days, and stay outside in the warm nights. We work outside, play outside, sleep outside—and eat outside. The Maine coast abounds with patios, decks, porches, picnic tables, and other outdoor seating. We search these places out, press ourselves against the edge of […]

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News from Maine Sea Grant – Summer 2016

EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTS Maine Sea Grant is pleased to announce the winners of the Undergraduate Scholarship in Marine Sciences for the 2016-17 academic year: Rose Edwards, Emma Kimball, Sophia Prisco, and Grace Shears (College of the Atlantic); Beretta Ficek and Gillian O’Neal (Maine Maritime Academy); Melissa Rosa (University of New England); Olivia Streit and Aisling Farragher-Gemma […]

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Where to see fish this spring

May is here, and that means the annual return of many things: flowers and birds; sunshine and garden words; foliage and flowers; fish and more fish. The annual arrival of fish to coastal rivers, this Rite of Spring, is somewhat unique to Maine. Twelve species of migratory (sea-run or diadromous) fish are native to the […]

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25+ Years of Marine Policy Fellows

You don’t have to travel far in Maine before running into former Knauss Marine Policy Fellows working at all levels of state government, in nonprofit organizations, industry associations, and other organizations serving Maine’s coastal ecosystems and communities. Since 1979, more than 1,000 young professionals have spent a year immersed in marine policy as Dean John […]

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magazine article cover with juvenile eel photo by Heather Perry

The Secret Life of Eels

It’s elver season in Maine. Funnel-shaped fyke nets have appeared in coastal rivers and streams; we’ve seen them in the Medomak, the Union, and Northeast Creek. Learn more about eels in The Secret Life of Eels (pdf), published in the March-April issue of Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Magazine (online). Featuring photographs by Heather Perry Photography, the article describes […]

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Map of section of Damariscotta River showing temperature in August of around 20 degrees Celsius (yellow-orange).

Can satellite data inform siting of shellfish farms?

This post was written by Jordan Snyder, a graduate student in Damian Brady’s lab at the Darling Marine Center. This project is funded by NOAA Sea Grant’s National Strategic Initiative in Aquaculture. The ultimate goal of my project is to provide aquaculturists with a reliable tool to help select ideal sites for new shellfish farms along […]

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