MOSAC-02-01 Spatial Dynamics of the Lobster Fishery and Oil Spills in the Gulf of Maine, a Risk Analysis of Oil Spills on the Lobster Fishery
Yong Chen
School of Marine Sciences
225 Libby Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
James Wilson
School of Marine Sciences
214 Libby Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
Dr. Carl Wilson
Dept. of Marine Resources
PO Box 8
McKown Point
W. Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575
Dave Courtemanch
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
17 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0017
Over the last 20 years, large spatial variations in the Gulf of Maine lobster fishery have coincided with continuous increases in stock size and landed catch. Systematic studies need to be undertaken to identify and quantify the possible interactions between the spatial dynamics of the lobster fishery and oil spills in the Gulf of Maine. To evaluate the risks of spatial and temporal overlaps of oil spills and the lobster fishery, this project will analyze data collected in port- and sea-sampling surveys and develop models to identify the likelihood of oil-lobster-fishery interactions for a given area.
Two-year project: 2002-2004
Year 1: $39,471
Year 2: $60,316
Total MOSAC Funds: $99,787