DV-16-11 Northern Maine Children’s Water Festival
Ruth Hallsworth
Senator George J. Mitchell Center
University of Maine
Maine has a wealth of water resources with 5,800 lakes, 32,000 miles of scenic and industrial rivers, and significant estuaries and coastline. Lakes cover almost 5% of the total state area. Together, forested wetlands and freshwater wetlands comprise almost 25% of the land area. However, Maine’s water resources are not problem-free and to sustain requires that each generation of youth has an understanding of this resource, how it is used, and how to sustain it in a changing environment. The Northern Maine Children’s Water Festival is designed to provide hands-on educational opportunities for teachers and students to learn more about Maine’s water resources in order for them to become knowledgeable citizens and future stewards.
The festival was a one-day event held at the University of Maine campus on October 11, 2016. Water resource professionals from throughout the state provided presentations and activities about water, wetlands, human health, and aquatic life. Close to 700 students from across northern Maine attended the event and participated in water-related activities throughout the day. The festival is provided at no cost to the participants and includes some funding to help schools cover the cost of transportation.
Sea Grant funds: $400