DV-12-08 Preliminary sampling of sea lice on wild fish from Cobscook Bay
Ian Bricknell
Aquaculture Research Institute
Hitchner Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
In an effort to reduce the threat of infection by parasitic sea lice, Maine’s salmon farming industry has adopted a three-year production cycle that rotates production sites. If wild fish are carrying sea lice, they can make this strategy ineffective.
Taking advantage of an existing Sea Grant research project that is surveying wild fish populations in Cobscook Bay, Bricknell is working with Dr. Gayle Zydlewski’s research team to collect additional data on sea lice infection in fish sampled as part of the larger project. Bricknell hopes to learn more about how lice might be surviving when salmon farms are in a fallow period, and inform development of more effective fish health management strategies.
Sea Grant funds: $4,056