DV-08-006 Northeast Aquaculture Conference & Expo
In 1998 and 2000, the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center sponsored the first Northeast Aquaculture Conference and Exposition (NACE™). From 1996 to 1999, the Rhode Island Legislative Commission on Aquaculture sponsored an annual aquaculture meeting sharing interests and information on aquaculture. In 2000 and 2001, the event was expanded into the Southern New England Aquaculture Conference. In 2002, the third NACE was born, uniting the region from Maine to New Jersey, in a coordinated effort to promote aquaculture commerce.
The Northeast Aquaculture Conference and Expo 2008 more than accomplished its goals in terms of attendees, commercial vendors, and scope of program. Reviews from the event indicated that it was well received by attendees. An outcome of the event is that it stimulated a partnership between a Maine fishing gear dealer and a Canadian aquaculture gear manufacturer. Bouctouche Bay Industries of New Brunswick has partnered with Brooks Trap Mill in Thomaston, Maine, to manufacture parts of the Bouctouche’s OysterGro System, and Brooks is now carrying other aquaculture gear. This new partnership will stimulate business locally, and will result in the broadening of the aquaculture industry. It will also improve a smooth transition for some fishermen into the aquaculture industry, strengthening both.
Please visit the Northeast Aquaculture Conference & Expo site.
Total: $500