Steven Zybert

Hello, my name is Steven Zybert and I’m a Sophomore in the Wildlife Ecology
program at the University of Maine in Orono with a graduation date of 2024. I’m an eight-year
US Navy veteran who’s always had a passion for the outdoors and a love for the many varied
species living in the habitats surrounding me. I’m hoping to pursue a career in wildlife
management and conservation after I graduate. I’ve worked with several endangered
species on both coasts now and it’s a dream of mine to see them all taken off the list and
watch their numbers flourish again. When I’m not working or nose deep in my studies I’m
usually at a climbing gym or in the mountains, also climbing.

I’m working with Jason Villiere and Mitch Simpson at the Milford Hydroelectric Dam
with DMR this summer where we are sorting, counting, and sampling sea-run fish such as
Atlantic Salmon, River Herring, American Shad, Sea Lamprey, and other species. Our main
focus is on the endangered Atlantic Salmon which we catch, collect data from, and release
to local hatcheries for repopulation efforts. In addition to this we also stock many local lakes
and waterways with two different species of River Herring, Alewives and Bluebacks.

Steven is a 2022 Undergraduate Intern in Sea-run Fish Research.