Meaghan Findley

Hello, my name is Meaghan Findley and I am currently a student at Eckerd College graduating in May of 2023 with a degree in Marine Science specifying in biology and a minor in Spanish. After graduation, I hope to spend a few years working in the field of conservation ecology and hope to work more with GIS. One of my career goals is to work hands-on with endangered or threatened species both the field side and the policy side of the work. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, backpacking, painting, and cooking and I am looking forward to getting to explore the state of Maine.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with the Department of Marine Resources of Sea-run Fisheries in Augusta with Jennifer Noll and Paul Christman. I will be working with the endangered Atlantic salmon juveniles and adults collecting data to inform population estimates and habitat.

I am very excited to be working in the field with the endangered Atlantic Salmon. It is a huge career goal of mine to work with endangered species and I hope to learn about many different fisheries techniques.


Meaghan Findley is a 2022 Undergraduate Intern in Sea-run Fish Research.