Katie Culp

Katie Culp is part of College of the Atlantic’s (COA’s) class of 2024 and is earning a BA in Human Ecology. The self-directed nature of her degree allows Katie to explore her focus in coastal community studies, maritime anthropology, and oral storytelling. She hopes to attend graduate school with a focus on coastal community studies. This summer Katie has been working on an offshoot of the Mapping Ocean Stories Project, an on-going oral history project in collaboration with Maine Sea Grant, called the Frenchman Bay Oral History Project. The project is supervised, in part, by Natalie Springuel, Maine Sea Grant’s Marine Extension Program Leader.

The Maine Sea Grant scholarship supports Katie’s tuition at COA where she is working on her senior project, a collection of oral histories from the coastal community of San Crisanto on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.

Katie was a Maine Sea Grant undergraduate scholar in 2022 and 2023.