2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 2 Long Description – Sea Level Rise
Sea Level Rise, Chronic Flooding, and Property Values
Sea level is rising and high-tide flooding is becoming more prevalent. FEMAs Flood Insurance Rate Maps depict flood-prone areas that require flood insurance as a condition of a loan in the floodplains. Does this increased cost, both financially and the flood risk, affect the value of property? The Union of Concerned Scientists publication Underwater: Rising Seas, Chronic Floods, and the Implications for U.S. Coastal Real Estate discusses the various costs of chronic flooding to property owners, real estate, insurance, and financial professionals.
Sue Baker from the National Flood Insurance Program will discuss the requirement for flood insurance based on the flood maps. Erika Spanger-Siegfried will discuss the Underwater report. Craig Foley and Mike Bellamente will discuss how climate change influences real estate buying habits.
Peter Slovinsky
Sue Baker
Erika Spanger-Siegfried
Craig Foley
Mike Bellamente