beaches conference

2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 3 Long Description – Aquaculture Engagement

Aquaculture Engagement Round Table Aquaculture represents an increasingly significant share of the global supply of freshwater and marine resources. Worldwide aquaculture production for human consumption now accounts for 44% of fish supply and is expected to surpass wild-caught fish capture by 2025. Maine is arguably becoming one of the ‘hotspots’ of aquaculture development in the […]

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2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 2 Long Descriptions – Improving Coastal Water Quality

Improving Coastal Water Quality As a recurring topic from previous conferences, this session aims to update the audience on the state-of-the-science regarding fecal source tracking efforts in coastal environments. Speakers will cover information on traditional and innovative approaches to fecal source tracking, as well as the successes and challenges with these approaches in specific watersheds […]

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2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 2 Long Descriptions – Dynamic Coasts

Dynamic Coasts: Using Science to Inform Forecasts, Management, and Policy Two significant forces shape the coastline: nature and human society. Where these two forces intersect is often the site of conflict. This session will explore the nature of coastal processes at several locations along the Northeast Atlantic Coast where this conflict results in management challenges. […]

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2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 2 Long Descriptions – A Tale of Conflict

A Tale of Conflict: Wildlife Interactions Along Our Coast Beaches, coasts, and our near shore are bustling places of activity. These areas are home to roughly 1/3 (39%) of the US population and support a myriad of shorebirds, invertebrates, whales, and more. As population increase so do potential conflicts with wildlife. These conflicts are not […]

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2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 2 Long Descriptions – Awareness to Action

Awareness to Action: Local Communities Building Resilience From working waterfronts to beach-side properties to wetlands, our coastline will be impacted by sea level rise in complex and critical ways. As each community grapples with resilience strategies best suited for their needs, they’ll also be learning and developing key strategies that may be implemented elsewhere. Join us […]

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2019 Beaches Conference Concurrent 2 Long Description – Sea Level Rise

Sea Level Rise, Chronic Flooding, and Property Values Sea level is rising and high-tide flooding is becoming more prevalent.  FEMAs Flood Insurance Rate Maps depict flood-prone areas that require flood insurance as a condition of a loan in the floodplains.  Does this increased cost, both financially and the flood risk, affect the value of property?  […]

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2019 Beaches Conference Plenary 2 Long Description

Undercurrents: Navigating the Human Dynamics of Coastal Adaptations The University of New Hampshire’s PowerPlay Interactive Development program has developed a unique style of training that utilizes professional actors who perform highly researched scripts, and an exciting method of audience interaction that is engaging and impactful, but also enjoyable and comfortable. Participants are given the opportunity […]

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