A-12-04 The American Lobster in a Changing Ecosystem: A US-Canada Science Symposium
27-30 November 2012 | Portland, Maine
The conference steering committee would like to thank the 130+ people who attended the symposium, all the presenters, and sponsors.
Final Conference Program (PDF, 3.2 MB)
November 2013 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Special Issue
The symposium grew out of a consensus among the scientific community that the response of lobsters to a changing environment is best viewed in an ecosystem context. Whether induced by man or nature, fundamental changes have occurred over the past few decades in the physical environment and food web interactions. The driving questions are as follows: What do we know now that we did not know even a decade ago? What are the common US–Canadian research priorities? How can researchers move forward with an agenda that makes the best use of dwindling funding?
Congratulations to the winners of the student presentation awards, sponsored by Aquatic Science & Health Services: Bryan Morse, Kristin Dinning, and Anna Henry (left photo; Jean Lavallee of ASHS in center, Anna Henry absent), and recipients of the student travel awards, sponsored by the conference partners: Fraser Clark of University of Prince Edward Island, Eric Pedersen of McGill University, and Nathan Rycroft of Boston University (right photo).