Coastal Conversations Radio Program: Waterfront communities prepare for climate change impacts
Coastal Conversations show: December 23, 2016
WERU 89.9 in Blue Hill and 99.9 in Bangor
Host: Natalie Springuel, Maine Sea Grant
Listen to the show on WERU archives
In recent years, increasing storms and flooding have wreaked havoc on waterfront infrastructure like piers, wharves, roads, waterfront businesses and homes. Emergency preparedness is also at risk because evacuation routes sometimes run right through the flood zone. What can Maine towns do to prepare for waterfront challenges brought on by climate change?
On our next program, we will explore how climate change is impacting Maine working waterfront communities, and what tools municipalities can use to prepare for and adapt to these changes.
Judy East, Washington County Council of Governments
Tora Johnson, University of Maine at Machias
Jennifer Curtis, Maine Floodplain Management Program
Pete Slovinsky, Maine Geological Survey
More information and tools described on the show
Maps and visual scenarios
Washington county inundation scenarios
Maine Potential sea level rise and storm surge inundation viewer (Highest Annual Tide 1, 2, 3.3, and 6 ft SLR)
Maine Highest Annual Tide (HAT) Line viewer
Maine Flood Hazard Map and Maine floodplain map updates
Maine Sea, Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH) outputs for Category 1-4 events in Maine
Maine National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) Viewer
Programs, agencies, models, and tools
Maine Floodplain Management Program
FEMA (Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration) Office of Insurance Advocate
Damariscotta Floodplain Management Ordinance
Bowdoin Comprehensive Plan
Municipal Planning and Assistance Program
Washington County Rain Gauges Expansion Program
Maine Property Owner’s Guide to Managing Flooding, Erosion & Other Coastal Hazards
Vermont’s Roadmap to Resilience, Preparing for Natural Disasters and the Effects of Climate Change in the Green Mountain State
Lessons Learned from Irene: Climate Change, Federal Disaster Relief, and Barriers to Adaptive Reconstruction
Funding sources
Water Bond (described on the show as the Culvert funds)
Shore and Harbor Grant
Coastal Communities Grant
Listen to the show on WERU archives
More information about Coastal Conversations Radio Program