Coastal Conversations Radio Program: Coastal Conversations in Acadia
Two-thousand sixteen is the 100th anniversary of Acadia National Park and America’s National Park System. In honor of this centennial, the University of Maine Sea Grant Program and WERU-FM, both official Centennial Partners, present an occasional series based on the monthly public affairs program, Coastal Conversations.
The ocean surrounds Acadia National Park, which includes 47,000 acres of protected land on Mount Desert Island, Isle au Haut, Schoodic Peninsula, and their archipelago of islands in the Gulf of Maine. Acadia’s rocky shoreline, teeming tide pools, and lush salt marshes have attracted mariners, fisher folk, and people in search of natural beauty for thousands of years. In more recent centuries, many have come to study the unique and diverse assembly of flora and fauna of the region where science, conservation, and community work together for a vibrant future.
Throughout the summer and fall of 2016, on Monday’s at noon, “Coastal Conversations in Acadia” will feature short stories from Acadia on WERU-FM, where they will also be archived.
Radio stories featured in Acadia National Park’s 100-year time capsule
Stories to date
#1, July 4, Champlain 1
In the first Coastal Conversation in Acadia, we look at a group of young naturalists whose scientific explorations of Mount Desert Island inspired the conservation efforts that led to the creation of Acadia National Park.
#2, July 11, Champlain 2
We return to the Champlain Society, camp life, and their contributions to scientific knowledge.
#3, July 18, Champlain 3
The final installment of the Champlain Society explores their connections to land conservation.
#4, July 25, MDI Fish
We look at a research project to uncover the history of freshwater fishing in Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island.
#5, August 1, St. Croix Island
We talk to Meg Scheid, Park Ranger and lead interpreter, to learn more about St. Croix Island International Historic Site in Calais, Maine.
#6, August 8, 2nd Century
We learn about a brand new initiative, the “Second Century Stewardship” initiative, dedicated to science in our National Parks.
#7, August 15, BioBlitz
We travel to Winter Harbor to learn about the 14th annual BioBlitz in Acadia National Park. This year, volunteers will find as many butterflies and moths as they can in a 24 hour period.
#8, August 22, Art and Science
We discover how, in the 19th century, scientists came from near and far to study Mount Desert Island’s geology, flora, and fauna. Artists accompanied them, producing sketches, engravings, lithographic prints, paintings, and photographs to illustrate scientific reports and popular accounts.
#9, August 29, Climate Change
We’ll talk to Rebecca Cole-Will, who is the Chief of Resource Management at Acadia National Park and St. Croix Island International Historic Site. Rebecca discusses how climate change is affecting St. Croix Island and how the park service has been given a call to action to develop management strategies that address the impacts of climate change with the best available science.
#10, September 5, Schoodic Ferry
We meet Kaitlyn Mullen, the captain and founder of the Schooder Ferry, a new ferry service that doubles as a research platform connecting the Acadia of Mount Desert Island and the Acadia of the Schoodic Peninsula.
#11, September 12, Dorr Museum
We talk with Carrie Graham, the manager of the Dorr Museum of Natural History at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, about a new exhibit called “Exploring Acadia, Our Best Classroom.”
#12, September 19, Hawk Watch
We visit Acadia National Park’s Hawk Watch on Cadillac Mountain, which is a collaborative effort between the park’s interpretive division and Schoodic Institute’s Bird Ecology Program.
#13, September 26, Dragonfly Mercury
We meet Sarah Nelson who is an Associate Research Professor with the University of Maine School of Forest Resources. Sarah created a project in Acadia National Park to analyze mercury levels in dragonfly larvae, which is now being conducted throughout the United States.
#14, October 3, Night Sky
We learn about the Acadia Night Sky Festival and what makes Downeast Maine such an incredible place to watch the stars.
#15, October 10, UMaine
This program discusses early connections between University of Maine researchers and Mount Desert Island, including the UMaine Summer School directed by Jackson Lab founder C.C. Little.
#16, October 17, Whales
We talk with Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company lead naturalist Zack Klyver about the status of whales in the Gulf of Maine and how climate change might impact their food sources.
#17, October 24, Transportation
We meet with Kevin Schneider, the superintendent of Acadia National Park, to learn about the Park’s transportation planning process, given rising visitation numbers, and how the public can become involved in helping identify solutions to congestion.
#18, October 31, Centennial
In our final episode, we talk with two Centennial Task Force members (Lynne Domini, chief of interpretation and education at Acadia National Park, and Jack Russell who serves with Cookie Horner as Task Force co-chair) about the significance of 100 years of National Parks and the century-long relationship between Acadia National Park and the local community.
“Coastal Converastions in Acadia” is related to our monthly public affairs radio program: Coastal Conversations.