DV-08-003 Striped bass movement in the lower Penobscot: Do they stay or do they go?

Joseph Zydlewski
Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

5755 Nutting Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469

Striped bass are an important sport fish on the East Coast and are considered to be one of the migratory fishes that will be significantly affected by the proposed Penobscot River Restoration Project. However, the movements of striped bass in the lower Penobscot River are not well characterized; a significant resident population may exist. Zydlewski tracks the movements of striped bass using an existing hydroacoustic receiver array in the river and bay maintained by the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service and the University of Maine. Telemetry data collected from 32 fish in 2007, and data from additional fish tagged in 2008 with Sea Grant funds, were analyzed using otolith analysis (laser ablation) to characterize the movements of striped bass in marine versus freshwater (based on the ratio of strontium to calcium).

2-year project, 2008-2009

Total: $5,000

Associated publications

Schmitt, C. 2008. Study targets striped bass. Bangor Daily News, July 26, 2008.