DV-06-002 Enhancing Capacity for Economic Research on Marine Industries of Eastern Maine

Kevin Athearn
University of Maine at Machias

25 Kimball Hall
Machias, ME 04654

Resource managers, regional planners, fishermen, seafood dealers, fish farmers, and others in eastern Maine need information about the economic value of various marine industries, as well as the economic consequences of pollution, red tide closures, conservation or stock enhancement efforts, and fishery management options to help them plan for the future. Before an in-depth analysis can be conducted to address any of these topics, existing data must be collected, compiled, and organized. Researchers will compile and integrate town- and county-level data on marine industries and coastal economies of Washington and Hancock counties and develop methods for bio-economic modeling of fisheries and aquaculture-related problems. This project will provide a better understanding of available data and identify gaps that need to be filled, and could be a valuable step toward addressing more specific economic research needs.

1-year project: $3500