Completed Projects

DV-05-016 Mapping Maine’s Working Waterfront

Shey Veditz Island Institute 386 Main Street PO Box 648 Rockland , ME 04841 207.694.9209 Working access to the Gulf of Maine is threatened by real estate development and other changing land uses. In order for fishermen, water-dependent businesses, land trusts, economic development groups, municipalities, and the public to succeed in preserving Maine’s working waterfronts, […]

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DV-07-004 Spring Running Festival

Jay Adams Old Fort Western Fund 16 Cony St. Augusta, ME 04330 The second annual Spring Running took place on June 2, 2007. The festival, a celebration of the renewed health of the Kennebec River and the rebounding populations of fish resulting from the removal of the Edwards Dam, provides an opportunity to educate […]

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DV-06-008 Characterizing brook trout movement in coastal waters

Ben Letcher Silvio O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center Very little is known about the life history of sea-run brook trout in Maine. Yet knowing how brook trout utilize marine habitat is important information for fisheries managers who are charged with maintaining and protection brook trout populations. This project will attempt to identify the range […]

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DV-08-001 Down East Shellfish Management Project

Gary Edwards Down East Resource Conservation & Development Council 87 Milbridge Road PO Box 210 Cherryfield, ME 04622 207.546.2368 The extensive mudflats and coves along the eastern Maine coast provide habitat for clams, scallops, mussels, and oysters, which in turn sustain the economies of coastal communities. However, recent habitat loss and harvest decline has […]

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DV-05-014 Sears Island Planning: Economic Analysis of an Education, Recreation, and Ecotourism Future

Stephen Miller Islesboro Islands Trust P.O. Box 182 Islesboro, ME 04848 Phone: 734-6907 The Town of Searsport is currently updating its comprehensive plan and writing new land use ordinances. This project will provide the town with a rigorous comparative cost-benefit analysis of three development scenarios for Sears Island : marine ecology, marine history, and recreational. […]

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DV-08-015 CC^21

Paul Mayewski Climate Change Institute University of Maine 303 Bryand Global Sciences Bldg Orono, ME 04469-5790 207.581.2190 Email the Climate Change Institute CC21 provided an opportunity for the public, students from academic institutions across Maine and beyond, policymakers, and the private sector to experience first hand perspectives on: the basis for the scientific concensus on […]

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DV-08-014 Accelerating use of seafloor maps to manage the impacts of invasive species and fishery closures

Linda Mercer Director, Bureau of Resource Management Maine Department of Marine Resources PO Box 8 West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 207.633.9525 High-resolution seafloor mapping has been identified as a fundamental step in achieving ecosystem-based management in the Gulf of Maine, yet managers need training in the interpretation and use of these new tools. Training […]

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