Sean Beauregard
My name is Sean Beauregard and I am a Wildlife Ecology student at the University of Maine, class of 2024. After graduating, I plan to contribute to the conservation of Maine’s watersheds. In my free time, I enjoy fishing, hiking, kayaking, playing guitar, and playing basketball and volleyball.
This summer I am working alongside Dan McCaw and Dan Kusnierz on Indian Island with the Penobscot Indian Nation. With their guidance, I am conducting a wide range of water quality monitoring activities throughout the Penobscot watershed and tribal trust lands. I am also getting experience in the office and lab, organizing and writing a grant proposal with my peers to increase sea-run fish passage in Maine’s rivers. This is my second Maine Sea Grant-NOAA Internship, and overall, the program has helped me expand my outreach and experience in the field. I look forward to learning about the natural and tribal history of the area, which I now call home.
I applied to this internship because I wanted to diversify my field experience and learn more about the natural and tribal history of Maine’s watersheds. I’m excited to travel around the state to conduct water quality research with my peers.
During the summer of 2021, I worked alongside the Maine Department of Marine Resources and The Downeast Salmon Federation to capture the oral history of Rainbow Smelt and Atlantic Tomcod. I also followed volunteers as they surveyed for the Rainbow Smelt Citizen Science Project, and took photos of both smelt and their eggs. I have learned through my position just how important oral history is in the context of human-wildlife relations.
Sean is a 2021 & 2022 Undergraduate Intern in Sea-run Fish Research.