Josephine Pikowski

Josephine is a student at the University of New England where she is double majoring in Marine Sciences, with a concentration in Oceanography, and Data Science, with a minor in Applied Mathematics. She will be graduating in the class of 2026. Following that she plans to attend graduate school to further her education and obtain her master’s degree. Josephine wants to pursue a career as an Oceanographer and contribute to research investigating the effects of climate change on our deep ocean currents and ecosystems. The Maine Sea Grant Scholarship will support Josephine’s education at UNE, allowing her to further her research analyzing physical oceanographic processes in the Saco River estuary impacting biodiversity, and it will provide support for the engineering and programming of an autonomous eDNA water sampler to take uncontaminated samples of seawater at specific depths. She is very thankful to have the opportunity to join the Maine Sea Grant Family!