Jaidyn Negley

Hello everyone! My name is Jaidyn. I’m currently finishing my junior year at the University of Maine at Orono, pursuing a major in wildlife ecology with a concentration in wildlife science and management, and planning to pick up a creative writing minor next year. This summer, I’m going to be working with Justin Stevens as an intern on the Orono branch of the Atlantic salmon restoration project that NOAA and the Maine Sea Grant are conducting and I can’t wait to get started. In the future, I hope to jump from technician job to technician job and get to travel, figuring out which niche I fit into best in the wildlife job market because I currently love everything and want to try as much as I can. My interests are pretty varied, but to name a few: I love reading, writing poetry, being outside doing literally anything, playing on my club rugby team and going for runs. And finally, a fun fact about me is that I have a red betta fish named Franklin (who likes to pretend he’s a dog and carry around food like it’s a bone).