Emily Coulombe

Hi everyone! My name is Emily Coulombe. I will be working with sea-run fish at the Milford Dam this summer! I will be graduating from UMaine with a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and a concentration in Fisheries in December 2024. My main interests lie in freshwater fish ecology (especially salmonids), but I also love birding and snuggling all the wildlife! My goal is to find a career where I can hangout with fish and cool people all day. Most importantly, I aim to never lose sight of why I came into this field: my ever-growing curiosity of our natural world that puts a smile on my face every time I walk out my door! A few other huge parts of my life are snowmobiling, camping, boating, fishing, and umpiring USA softball – all of which allow me to spend time with my family and friends doing what we love most!