Spring 2017 Meeting – MOCA
1:00-1:05pm Introduction and Welcome from MOCA
1:05-1:15pm Update on R&D Bond Statewide Referendum on June 13 from Aaron Strong
1:15-1:35pm Update on Nutrient Council and Casco Bay Monitoring Group from Curtis Bohlen
1:35-1:55pm Update on EPA Acidification Monitoring Guidelines from Jason Grear
1:55-2:05pm Update on Citizen Science Training Workshops and Mini-Grant from NOAA from Beth Turner
2:05-2:15pm Update on plans for intercalibration work from Michele LaVigne
2:15-2:30pm Final Updates from MOCA
–The MOCA Partnership steering committee
Susie Arnold, Mick Devin, Ivy Frignoca, Esperanza Stancioff, Aaron Strong
Webinar Video
Please note: there is a slight echo for the first presenter, though completely audible, and the rest of the webinar is normal.