Aquaculture in Shared Waters 2018
In 2018, we are again conducting the Aquaculture in Shared Waters program, and in two locations: Bath and Machias. Principal funding for these efforts comes from NOAA Sea Grant (Bath) and the USDA Rural Business Development Grant program.

The AQSW program continues to deliver comprehensive education to prospective and existing aquaculturists, on topics ranging from site selection to production methods, business management, sales and marketing, and public health. These are the sixth and seventh rounds of the AQSW program; the prior rounds have resulted in approximately 100 individuals completing the program, with over 30 new or augmented aquaculture/fishing businesses as a result.
The AQSW program delivers the following information and services to enrollees:
- A thorough education on topics most relevant to new and existing producers
- Building and broadening a professional network of experts and service providers
- Substantial materials to form the basis of a reference library, and to support students toward self-directed inquiry.
- Support in site selection, leasing and licensing, business planning and financial management, sales and marketing
- Supporting a peer-to-peer community of producers, and valuable grower-to-grower communication
- Field trips and hands-on learning activities; production sites, research facilities, equipment suppliers, etc.
In 2018, the Machias class is also beta-testing the use of an iBook that covers a wide variety of aquaculture topics, on iPads purchased through the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center. Dr. Chris Davis leads this effort, and works closely with Dr. Anne Langston in content development, and implementation into the course. In this way, students have a powerful new resource at their command, with a thorough list of references, embedded photos and videos, to make the educational experience more effective, engaging and lively.
The AQSW program is also closely allied with social science research, led by Dr. Teresa Johnson, of the University of Maine. This research helps us understand how to improve course delivery, and how effectively the students receive the information being delivered.
Our organizers and instructors in the program represent a variety of institutions and organizations, and they each contribute significant expertise to the course. In this way, students gain broader knowledge of the many issues confronting aquaculture producers, and they gain access to the expertise that can help them for years to come.
Principal organizers/instructors:
Chris Bartlett – Maine Sea Grant and University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Sebastian Belle – Maine Aquaculture Association
Nick Branchina – Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
Hugh Cowperthwaite – Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
Chris Davis, PhD. – Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center
Dana Morse – Maine Sea Grant and University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Natalie Springuel – Maine Sea Grant
Contributing instructors and partners:
Brian Beal, PhD. – Downeast Institute
Gef Flimlin – Rutgers Cooperative Extension (Emeritus)
Teresa Johnson, PhD. – University of Maine, School of Marine Science
Anne Langston, PhD. – Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center, Sea to Hearth R+D
We have benefited from the involvement of several individuals and groups over time, including:
Maine Dept. of Marine Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Enterprises, Inc. Some of our past guest speakers have included: Tom Marcotti – Town of Barnstable, MA; Dr. Ken LaValley, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, Paul Dobbins – Ocean Approved, Matthew Moretti – Bangs Island Mussels, Eric Peters – Norumbega Oyster Company, Chris Warner – Heal Eddy Clam Farm, Sarah Redmond – Springtide Seaweed, Shep Erhardt – Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Garth Hersey – Brooks Trap Mill, Darcie Couture – Resource Access International, Dr. Jessie Muhlin – Maine Maritime Academy, Evan Young – Blue Hill Bay Mussels, Andy Mays – F/V Lost Airmen, Dr. Steve Eddy – Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research, Dr. Cem Giray – Kennebec River Biosciences, Joanna Fog – Bar Harbor Oyster Company, Jock Brothers – Waukeag Neck Oyster Co, Chris Peterson – College of the Atlantic, Jesse Leach and Eric Moran – Bagaduce River Oyster Co, Dr. Carter Newell – Pemaquid Mussel Company, Peekytoe Provisions.