Lightning Talk Abstract Submission Instructions
Lightning talks during the 2023 National Seaweed Symposium will highlight new research, products, and development efforts in or related to the US seaweed sector. Lightning talks are capped at 5 minutes and will be encouraged to include accompanying slides and visuals if selected. Please prepare lightning talk abstracts according to the following instructions and email completed forms to Jaclyn Robidoux.
Deadline for submission: Wednesday, March 8th, 2023.
Accepted abstracts and presentations will be notified in March.
Abstract submissions must include:
- Presentation Title
An engaging title targeted toward all audiences
- Presenter Information
Presenter name (first and last)
Email address
Organization, institution, affiliation, or business
State, Country - Abstract Text
400 word maximum. Describes your research, product, idea, etc.
- Abstract Summary
2-3 sentences that summarize your presentation, for print in conference materials if selected.
- 1 page maximum
- 12-point font
- Figures, tables, hyperlinks accepted
- PDF documents preferred