DV-14-07 Student presentations at American Fisheries Society meeting

Yong Chen
225 Libby Hall
University of Maine

The American Fisheries Society promotes scientific research and sustainable management of fisheries resources. It also publishes some of the world’s leading fisheries research journals and books and encourages comprehensive education for fisheries professionals. By organizing scientific meetings where new results are reported and discussed, it acts as a forum for scientists, professionals, managers, and students around the world. Their annual meeting provides opportunities for graduate students to present their studies, receive feedback, and network with fisheries professionals.

Sea Grant funds supported travel for seven graduate students and one undergraduate student from the University of Maine School of Marine Sciences to attend the 2014 annual meeting in Québec City and present the following research:

Dimoulas, A., J. Runnebaum, and Y. Chen. Assessing industry’s perspective of state and federal management regulations of the Maine lobster fishery.

Guan, L., Y. Chen, and J.A. Wilson. Potential consequences of possible mismatched ecological and regulatory scales on the stock assessment and management of Gulf of Maine cod fishery.

Runnebaum, J., K. Reardon, Y. Chen,  and C. Wilson. 2014. Assessing barotrauma treatments of cusk (Brosme brosme) bycaught in the Maine Lobster Fishery.

Staples, K.W., Y. Chen, and D.W. Townsend. Climate change and lobster in the Gulf of Maine: Investigation of the temporal impact on molting.

Tanaka, K., and Y. Chen. American lobster under changing climate: An evaluation of temporal and spatial variability in lobster suitable habitat.

Truesdell, S., D. Hart, and Y.Chen. Yield per recruit analysis under spatial heterogeneity in growth and fishing effort.

Zhang, C., and Y. Chen. Development of a standardized CPUE for Atlantic cod and cusk using bycatch data in the coastal Gulf of Maine lobster fishery.

Sea Grant funds: $3,935