Coastal Conversations Radio Program: Salters and Salmon
Coastal Conversations show: May 22, 2020
WERU 89.9 in Blue Hill and 99.9 in Bangor
Host: Natalie Springuel, Maine Sea Grant
Listen to the show on WERU archives
Every spring, thousands of fish move between saltwater and fresh water habitats. Some, like Atlantic salmon, migrate from the sea into Maine’s rivers and streams in order to spawn. Others, like sea-run brook trout, switch between salt and fresh water in search of perfect temperatures and food sources. Downeast Maine is home to some of the very best diadromous fish habitat along the entire eastern seaboard!
Today’s show is about Atlantic salmon and sea-run brook trout, two fish species that embody the wilds of Downeast Maine. I am excited to have folks on today’s show who can tell us all about salters (as sea-run brook trout are referred to locally) and salmon. So today’s show is part fisheries biology, part conservation history, and part fishing stories, because when you get people together who love to fish, you can’t help but get in some great fishing stories.
Rob Packie, President of the Downeast Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Jeff Reardon, Trout Unlimited’s Maine Brooktrout Project Director
Dwayne Shaw, Executive Director of Downeast Salmon Federation
Joe Robbins, a founding board member of Downeast Salmon Federation who started fishing for salmon in 1959.
Thanks also to Tammy Packie, secretary of the Downeast Chapter of Trout Unlimited for help getting today’s show organized.
Listen to the show on WERU archives
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