Coastal Conversations Radio Program: Where Have All the Shrimp Gone?
Coastal Conversations show: January 22, 2016
WERU 89.9 in Blue Hill and 99.9 in Bangor
Host: Natalie Springuel, Maine Sea Grant
Listen to the show on WERU archives
This winter, you won’t find Northern Shrimp, those delectable, tiny, pinkish-grey crustaceans, in your grocery store’s seafood section or at fish trucks on the side of the road. Conditions at sea, conditions in the marketplace, and a host of other issues have contributed to the precipitous decline of the shrimp fishery in Maine. As a result, regulators announced last month that the Northern Shrimp fishery will remain closed for the third winter in a row.
This is Natalie Springuel, from the University of Maine Sea Grant, host of Coastal Conversations. On our next show, we will seek to understand why the Northern Shrimp is in such bad shape. We will talk with fishermen, regulators, and scientist as we examine how the shrimp fishing moratorium impacts the Gulf of Maine, our fishing families, and our dinner menus.
So make a note to join us on Friday January 22, 10 -11 when this month’s Coastal Conversation is “Where Have all the Shrimp Gone?”
Only on WERU community radio, 89.9 FM in Blue Hill and 99.9 in Bangor, and streaming online at WERU.org.
Margaret Hunter, Marine Resource Scientist, Sea Urchin and Northern Shrimp, Maine Department of Marine Resources
Glen Libby, fisherman and Port Clyde Fresh Catch
Dr. Anne Richards, Research Fisheries Biologist, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries
Katherine Thompson, PhD candidate at UMaine studying shrimp, and former deckhand on shrimp vessel.
For More Information:
Maine Department of Marine Resource Northern Shrimp
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Northern Shrimp
Hunting for tiny shrimp in a big ocean, Boothbay Register, January 1, 2016.
Listen to the show on WERU archives
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