DV-05-001 Assembling the History of a Marine Invasive Species in Maine: Water Temperature as a Predictor of Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) Outbreaks from 1956-2005

C. Drew Harvell and Robin Hadlock Seeley Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 607-254-4377 rhs4@cornell.edu Green crabs are a major predator of juvenile and adult soft-shell clams, and therefore are a concern for fisheries managers and harvesters. The effects of sea surface temperature on green crab distribution and abundance in … Continue reading DV-05-001 Assembling the History of a Marine Invasive Species in Maine: Water Temperature as a Predictor of Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) Outbreaks from 1956-2005